4 Universal Laws You Need to Know (and How to Use Them)

December 22, 2023
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You’ve most likely heard about the Law of Attraction, but did you know that this is only one of many Universal Laws? Without the fundamental knowledge of other laws at play, you may be standing in the way of your own manifestation.

Universal laws are unchanging - unable to be created or destroyed. They help us to understand how energies exchange and interact with each other. They’re your guidelines to how the Universe operates, and how you can work with it rather than against it.

In this article, we will explore 4 universal laws that everyone should know. Additionally, you will learn ways to practice each law so you can start consciously co-creating and working with universal energies today.

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence is one of the key ancient principles of Hermetic philosophy. It can be summarized by the phrase, “As above, so below. As within, so without.” This means that what happens in a higher realm or astrologically also happens in a lower realm or on Earth, and what is found within you is also found outside. Your internal patterns, conscious and subconscious, are directly reflected within your environment. In other words, our relationships, experiences, events, and surroundings are mirrored states of our mind and spirit. This means that you can shift your outer world by transforming your inner world.

Examples and Application

For example, if you have limiting internal beliefs about money or never feel like you have enough, this might cause a lack in self-confidence to make changes, take on a new role, or sell your own products. Instead, try to focus on what you DO have and all the ways wealth in brought into your life, not just in monetary form.

Similarly, if you believe that your partner will leave you over time, this might cause low self-esteem, trust issues, arguments, tension, friction, and emotional reactions. As a result, your relationship might start to fall apart and they may leave. Instead, accept that you have these beliefs stemming from past relationships, and focus on your partner still moving through your relationship with you and the ways in which they show they care/love.

In practical terms, the Law of Correspondence advises us to pay attention to our thoughts, feelings, and responses to our environment. Acknowledge and accept responsibility for your perception of the world, how you respond to it, and your current beliefs. Shift conscious negative thought patterns into positive ones to rewire your subconscious patterns. Practices like meditation, gratitude, journaling, habitual positive thinking, and visualization can aid in shifting your mindset and internal harmony while bringing to light the roots of negative thinking and redirecting your focus to positive thoughts and uplifting beliefs.

Law of Assumption

The Law of Assumption, created by Neville Goddard, is similar to the Law of Attraction, but slightly different in the way that what you believe yourself to already be/have is what will manifest into your external world. Stating when we make an assumption about ourselves, and have a full belief, our realities shift to match our internal world. The Law of Assumption is the basis of any manifestation method.

Examples and Application

As in quantum physics, you must step into the quantum timeline where you already have what you desire- you must believe you already have it. When you are in the state of already having, your vibrations are in alignment with your desire. In the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. You will attract more of the same vibration you are putting out. In short, your external world reflects your internal beliefs, aka assumptions.

Goddard goes on to suggest that “God” and human imagination are not separate, but one. The creation of life and God itself are all one, including humans. The material realm is you, and you are the Universe. So what you believe yourself to be, the physical world will also.

Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation is often associated with the concept of reaping what you sow, or the essence of karma. This law stipulates that what you put into the world is what you get out of it, both good and bad. What you give is returned proportionally in an exact value. For every action, there is an equal reaction. The focus of this law is on the dualism in life, and the principles of cause and effect. Like Yin and Yang, there are positive and negative polarities to everything. The Universe is always seeking balance and harmony. This law reflects the balancing of all energies put into the world to bring about an equilibrium.


For instance, you may lose a job that caused you stress, but gain a job that brings you inspiration. Or, if you spend time volunteering, you might receive free mentorship from an expert in your aspired field. Conversely, if you spread gossip and negative comments about people, you may end up losing friends. Or, if a relationship ends, after a painful recovery, a new partner might enter your life who aligns to your values and goals on a deeper level.


In order to best utilize the Law of Compensation, it's advised to lift your vibrations, shift to positive thinking, and avoid speaking negatively about people, events, and things. Focus on giving and providing to others (animals, humans, plants, Earth). Put good into the world and practice gratitude. Look for the lesson within each challenge, pulling the light from the darkness, the gain from the loss. Trust the process and have faith in divine timing to bring into physical reality your compensation.

Law of Detachment

The Law of Detachment is all about releasing your intentions and trusting the Universe to do its part in bringing your manifestations into reality. Releasing your expectations allows for better-aligned people and opportunities to enter your life at the appropriate time, rather than expecting very specific interactions and situations then being disappointed and losing faith. We generally see what we are conscious of, but the Universe knows all. What we might think is the perfect outcome, actually has a better outcome that the Universe is working on bringing to us. Letting go and detaching from the specific outcome allows the Universe to come in and fill your life with the right resources at the right time that will bring better results to your life. When we allow ourselves to let go of our intentions, we are telling the Universe we trust it and are grateful for all it does for us. When we set specific expectations, we are constraining ourselves and the Universe into a narrow box of what’s possible.


Expecting a very specific return on a tattoo design from an artist, you let go of the expectation of it looking exactly how you want. When the artist shows you the sketch, you end up loving it more than the vision you had originally when thinking of the idea. Going to the theatre with high expectations for a movie, clinging onto the expectations you’ve built up, you are disappointed and feel like the movie was a waste of money. Instead, going into the movie without any expectation of the result will return more satisfactory results and you’ll leave the theatre happy with the entertainment and experience.


Have faith in the process, practice releasing your intentions, and trust that the Universe will provide in divine timing. Check out this in-depth video linked here and in the show notes. The video provides the 3 main ingredients to manifest anything and dives into the power of release and effective methods. Let go of specific expectations and allow room for better opportunities than what you envisioned or listed out during your intention-setting. Remember: we focus on emotion and attract VIBRATIONS, so what we desire can show up in our lives in other ways. Be open to what the Universe brings to us to fulfill our desires - it knows what’s best for us.

Which of these laws do you already apply in your life and what were some of the results from it? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up for more content like this! This next video walks through the key elements of manifestation with practical tips to increase the rate of materialization. Head on over there and stay blue.

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